The subject of unity in our local churches is consistently stressed and preached as a key to revival and growth. I wholeheartedly agree. Saints must work in harmony and the pew must be in unity with the pulpit in order for a Church to operate the way God intended. It amazes me that the same preachers who stress this in their pulpits are not as concerned about striving for unity with their ministerial brethren. The Oneness Apostolic Church's all across America need to be united and come together like never before. I realize that are some minimum requirements that most of us will demand in order for us to consider a local church or fellowship part of the Apostolic Church. First of all, the church must believe in the oneness of God, rejecting the doctrine of the trinity. The church will preach the new birth experience as necessary for salvation. This includes repentance, baptism in Jesus Name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. The final component would be living a separated, Godly life, stressing Holiness as part of their daily lifestyle. I know there are many other beliefs and doctrines that will be part of the Apostolic church, but these are the fundamentals that most of us will agree are the trademarks of the Church.
It is imperative that those of us that are part of the church bind together like never before. A quick search on the internet brought up over fifty oneness organizations and fellowships in the United States. I am not so naïve to believe that there will ever be one all encompassing organization that every Apostolic Church belongs to. However, we all need to view all churches, ministers, and saints, regardless of affiliation, as part of the Church and body of Christ, as long as they are truly Apostolic. When the trumpet sounds, and the bride of Christ is raptured, I doubt there will be angels guarding the gate, asking preacher's for their "fellowship card" to see if they qualify for entrance. Whether UPC, A L J C, independent, etc…, God is looking for men and women who are Apostolic.
In large towns and cities it is common and no doubt necessary for there to be more than one Apostolic church. Because of the large population of these areas, there is more than enough work to go around. However, in smaller towns where there is more than one Apostolic church, I hope and pray that these churches will work together in harmony with a unified plan and purpose for their community. The rapture is too close for us to have our own agendas. We are not building our own kingdoms, He is the King, and it's His Kingdom. We are simply "laborers together with Him." When you go to witness to the hurting, the lost, the broken, they couldn't care less about what fellowship you belong to or what group you associate with. This will be a blow to our ego, but chances are, they have never heard of any of our organizations, and frankly, they just don't care. They simply want a Church that cares about them. If you can love people while preaching and practicing the Apostles Doctrine, you will be successful, regardless of your affiliation.
Do I believe in organization, you better believe I do. They have been the vehicle for tremendous growth, and every preacher needs a system of accountability in his life. I am thankful for every organized effort that has been successful in spreading the gospel. Regardless of your affiliation, bind together with your brethren and let's have Apostolic revival until Jesus comes.