Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pillar #2- Fasting

Jesus said some things don't happen except by prayer and fasting. It is a combined effort of the two. However, in this day of materialism and excess, fasting is something that is often overlooked and neglected. Simply put, fasting is going without food or water for a Spiritual purpose. The very essence of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is being disciplined in our walk with Him. Fasting helps bring this discipline. The statement that has affected me the most about fasting was made by Bro. James Kilgore when he said that "fasting has become a lost art in Pentecost." I remember a preacher telling how when he received the Holy Ghost, his Pastor telling him after service to "immerse your life in prayer and fasting." Let it be said of the last day Church that fasting was a part of our lifestyle.


The Bible says that we have a treasure in an earthen vessel. The treasure is the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The earthen vessel is our flesh. There is a constant struggle in our lives between flesh and Spirit. Jesus said the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Don't ever forget that your flesh is weak. No matter how long you live for God, your flesh will always be weak. We have a carnal nature. Fasting mortifies, or kills the flesh, the carnal nature of man.


There has been some confusion over the years over the purpose of fasting. You do not fast to see someone saved or to see something accomplished in your life or even in the Kingdom of God. Fasting is for you. It is to discipline you and to draw you closer to God. You will find that after fasting when you are praying or studying His Word that you will be very sensitive to the Holy Ghost. God may reveal things to you in prayer or through His Word during these times that you may not have been able to see any other time. Because fasting does make you more sensitive to Spiritual things, it is vital that you are under the authority of a man of God who can give you direction during these times.


There are different types of fasts as well as different lengths of time you will choose to go without food and/or water. The first and most accepted fast is to go without food and water. As the body cannot survive without water for extended periods of time, use wisdom and common sense when choosing this type of fast. You can also go on a three day fast from food only, drinking only water during this time. While the Spiritual benefits are the primary purpose of fasting, there is a physical benefit accepted now by the mainstream medical community, that this type of fast cleanses your body from poisons and can actually increase your level of energy. While this is good, remember that the purpose of fasting is to draw closer to God. I encourage you to read books on fasting. Two very good books written by Pentecostal authors are "Gods Chosen Fast" by Arthur Wallis, and "When ye Fast" by Joy Haney. Both books may be purchased from the Pentecostal Publishing House,

It’s Time to be Apostolic

While I do understand that these must be the last days of the Church before the rapture, it is certainly an exciting time to be involved in the Kingdom of God. The darkness of this hour should not discourage us. The state of affairs in our nation today afford us opportunities to minister to hurting people like never before. It's not hard to find someone in need, someone who is searching, looking for the answer to the mess they've made of their life. All God is looking for in our Church is a willing vessel. You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to be talented, you just have to be willing to be used and led of the Holy Ghost. I believe we are being led by God into a dimension of the Holy Ghost that we have not been to before, simply because our generation demands more than ever before. In our service last Sunday night was a sovereign move of God, only eternity will tell how lives were changed and affected. This is the time to let God have His way among us. Don't ever let us be guilty of rejecting traditional religious theology while embracing traditional religious procedure in our services. We are unapologetically Apostolic… in doctrine AND in worship. I watched last Sunday night as people worshipped and danced before the Lord, and God manifested Himself mightily. What impressed me the most however was that after a few minutes the shout turned into a deep conviction of the Spirit and people everywhere began to weep and break before God. If we will simply praise him, He will show up every time. Of course we need preaching, there must be a balance, and everything must be done in decency and order. But oh how we need God to direct and control our services. It's time for all of us to determine and commit, "I will be a vessel God can flow through." I don't claim to know exactly where God has us as a local church right now, but I pray that we are entering into a season of reaping the great and final harvest of souls. Times of transition are always a little painful, but I pray God would do whatever it takes to get us to the place where we are seeing the altars tear stained, the baptismal waters troubled, and the pews filled. We've wore a badge of pride for years over being Apostolic in doctrine, "we've got the truth." God didn't give us truth just so we could be right and someone else could be wrong. He gave us this revelation so we could Apostolic in Power. Let's forget those things which are behind, and let's press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. It is time to be Apostolic.